Monday, July 9, 2007

A Pillow Bleg

For those of you who are side-sleepers, have you ever tried one of those hourglass-shaped neck pillows like the ones pictured to the left? If so, do they work? And does anybody have a recommendation for something else to avoid getting a neck crick during the night? Thanks in advance...


mamacita said...

I have one you can borrow to see if you like it. It doesn't do much for me, but I mostly sleep on my back. I refer you to The Sleeper, who blogs insightfully on this very important topic.

Sara said...

I have one too. I use it when my neck is super-cricked (I think it's a testament to either my stress management skills or Jazzercise that it hasn't happened much lately). It works best when lying on your back, although you can arrange it to support the side of your head with reasonable luck.