Monday, August 13, 2007

Adventures in Pickling

Not content to rest on her coco jam laurels, Mamacita's friend Letitia has done it again: bread-and-butter pickled jalapeño and lemon slices. Yes, you read that correctly. She pickled lemon slices. Apparently, she had an excess of the bread-and-butter pickling solution (or whatever you call it) after making some regular pickles and, rather than waste it, she pickled what she had on hand. And what she had on hand were jalapeños and lemons. I didn't have any of the jalapeños, but the lemon slices were excellent: a little bit sweet, a little bit sour, and a little bit spicy (from the peppers). I think that Letitia's on to something.

And the dill-y green beans were great, too.

1 comment:

letitia said...

I'm glad you liked them. I think I liked them better than the pickles they resulted from. I'm going to try to make the cheesy olive bread for Becca's party.